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Scopri tutti i nostri prodotti professionali per la tua cura personale. Dalla detersione del capello, alla cura della barba fino ai trattamenti per viso e corpo: ogni esigenza ha il suo prodotto specifico.
Prenditi cura di te al meglio.


Depot 100 - Hair cleansing 

Hair cleansing is the first gesture that has always accompanied us throughout our lives, to safeguard the health of the scalp and hair. Particularly in us men it is very important, both in terms of frequency and in the development of the gesture.

Depot 100 - Hair cleansing 

Hair cleansing is the first gesture that has always accompanied us throughout our lives, to safeguard the health of the scalp and hair. Particularly in us men it is very important, both in terms of frequency and in the development of the gesture.

Depot 200 - Hair Treatment 

In almost all men's hair, nowadays exposed to numerous environmental aggressions,
the treatment phase is crucial.
It becomes important on the stem to integrate and protect the hair fiber, while it is essential on the scalp, because the health of the skin is the basis of beautiful, thick and healthy hair.

Depot 300 - Hairstyle 

For every style and for every type of hair, we need a styling product to give the created look a long-lasting effect.
The creation of the shape is achieved in a simpler and more lasting way and with greater respect for the hair fiber, thanks to protective as well as fixative active ingredients.
Control, definition, direction, shine or, on the contrary, a matte effect are the watchwords.

Depot 400 - Essential for shaving 

Following a specific, slow and dedicated ritual, or with simple gestures that become faster with practice,

shaving it accompanies us throughout life, from the first moment facial hair appearsuntil it becomes a beard.

Our intimate and exclusive moment that accompanies every man from puberty forever. 

The art of shaving is a very personal world and for this reason we thoughtto every preference in the type of product, from before and after shaving to the small details, to give the covetedof the "shaving" a unique and dedicated allure.

Depot 500 - Essential for the beard

The beard has become in history a symbol of distinction and communication, of elegance and characteristics

intellectual-aristocratic and, at times, a bit snobbish.

For centuries the beard has not been synonymous with "wild man".  The barber is once again one of man's best friends.

Depot 600 - Let's take care of the body

Even the most intransigent men have surrendered to the need to cleanse, moisturize and pamper

the skin on a daily basis.

In addition to the face, beard and hair, taking care of the body has become a healthy and pleasant habit.

Depot 800 - Essential for the face

The 800 SKIN SPECIFICS line is born in DEPOTĀ®, dedicated to cleansing and hydrating the skin of the face and body for men,

which requires targeted formulas and specific ingredients.

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